Is This Love? At Work, It Might Be Harassment Does your sexual harassment policy cover the less-blatant forms of harassment? Here are some less obvious examples you should consider.
Be a Boss, Not a Nanny: How to Get Productivity Without Stifling Morale You should expect productivity from your employees—but you shouldn't have to babysit them to keep them on track.
Cal/OSHA Changes and How CalChamber is Responding CalChamber has requested a review of the sweeping Cal/OSHA changes with its new Emergency Temporary Standards.
Why Workplace Litigation is NEVER a Win Workplace-related litigation is a destructive, expensive process, and never a win. Here's why (and how) you should avoid it.
New COVID Laws for 2021: Cal/OSHA Emergency Temporary Standards New COVID laws are plentiful for 2021, including Cal/OSHA's requirement of Emergency Temporary Standards.
New COVID Laws for 2021: What is Senate Bill 1159? California has passed several laws regarding COVID-19 since September, all of which will be effective by January 1, 2021. This article examines Senate Bill (SB) 1159.
New COVID Laws for 2021: What is AB 685? California has passed several laws regarding COVID-19 since September, all of which will be effective by January 1, 2021. First up: AB 685.
Leave of Absence: What’s Changing in 2021 Leave of absence is one of the biggest issues for employers during the pandemic, and there are new rules in place for 2021.
Independent Contractors: What’s New for 2021? Changes to California's independent contractor laws are here for 2021. AB 5 is greatly expanded by AB 2257, which means more freelance flexibility.